
Resolving the Ruckus

Proposition 59


Corporations. Political Spending. Federal Constitutional Protections.

legislative advisory question


Official Summary

Asks whether California's elected officials should use their authority to propose and ratify an amendment to the federal Constitution overturning the United States Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Citizens United ruled that laws placing certain limits on political spending by corporations and unions are unconstitutional.

Fiscal Impact: No direct fiscal effect on state or local governments.


  • non binding
    • reverse the effects of Citizens United
    • allow regulation and limitastion of political campaign spending
    • ensure individuals are able to express political views
    • make clear that corporations should not have the same constitutional rights as human beings
  • asks California legislature to propose US Constitutional amendment
  • Citizens United v Federal Election Commission ruled that laws placing certain limits on political spending by corporations and unions are unconstitutional
  • unlimited independent expenditures can be made by corporations or unions

Proposition 32 : State and Local Political Contributions

Official title : Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction. Contributions to Candidates. Initiative Statute.

State analysis   /    Money trail

Summary :

  1. Prohibits unions, corporations and government contractors from using payroll-deducted funds for state & local political purposes.
  2. Prohibits unions and corporations from contributing directly or indirectly to state & local candidates and candidate controlled committees. They can contribute to superPACs, ballot measures, etc via independent expenditures.
  3. Prohibits government contractor contributions to elected officers or officer-controlled committees who play a role in awarding their contracts, from the time the contract is being considered until contract is expired.

Notes: none at this time