
Resolving the Ruckus

Proposition 55


Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare.

"California Children's Education snd Health Care Protection Act of 2016"

initiative constitutional amendment


Official Summary

Extends by twelve years the temporary personal income tax increases enacted in 2012 on earnings over $250,000, with revenues allocated to K–12 schools, California Community Colleges, and, in certain years, healthcare.

Fiscal Impact: Increased state revenues—$4 billion to $9 billion annually from 2019–2030—depending on economy and stock market. Increased funding for schools, community colleges, health care for low–income people, budget reserves, and debt payments.


  • extends Prop 30 tax increase on taxable income for singles over $263k, joint over $526k, HOH over $340k:
    • extra 1% for $263k-$316k(s), $526k-$632k(j)
    • extra 2% for $316k-$526k(s), $632k-$1,053k(j)
    • extra 3% for over $526k(s), $1,053k(j)
  • original hike enacted in 2012, set to expire 2018, this extends it through 2030
  • affects approx 1.5% of taxpayers
  • Allocates revenues: 89% K-12 schools, 11% California Community Colleges
  • funding for health care up to $2 Billion, depending on whether general fund revenues exceed education spending plus cost of government programs in place on Jan 1, 2016. If so, 50% of the excess (up to $2 B) would go to Medi-Cal. The rest would go to budget reserves, debt payment and programs enacted since Jan 1, 2016.
  • Prop 30 sales tax hike of .25% will expire at the end of 2016