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Traci Foust

Simon and Schuster author of Nowhere Near Normal- A Memoir of OCD, The Truth of Memoir (Writer's Digest) Journalist and personal essay. My work has appeared on NPR, Marie Claire, Good Morning San Diego, San Francisco Morning, Role Reboot, STIR Journal, Funny or Die, The Southern Review and many more. I run memoir workshops and fiction critique groups for Hardcorememoir. I hold a degree in American Literature and would like to share information about these workshops. Memoir: How to Land a Top Agent. And , The Art of a Compelling True Story. My workshops also include what agents are looking for in the competitive genre of memoir as well as how to get your foot in the door by writing personal essays and where to get them published.

Check out more on the author's website tracifoust.com, Facebook, Twitter @tracifoust, Amazon.com and Goodreads