Sustainable Bliss

never stop learning!

Flying Star / Lo Shu

This chart is a combination of items learned by Chinese astrology, Flying Star and Feng Shui, and I put it all together to help me have everything in one place for multiple purposes (personal alignment, personal astrology, home alignment, etc), though all info does not necessarily connect to each other, and using the information requires knowledge of the impacts of personal alignment, house alignment, annual energies and other considerations.

Direction SouthEast South SouthWest
Star 4 green - romance 9 purple 2 black - illness
Area Abundance Fame + Recognition Intimate Relationships
Element yang wood (+water, -fire) yang fire (+wood, -water) earth (+fire, -wood)
Colors green red, purple, pink, orange yellow, beige, terra cotta
Shapes column, pillar cone, triangle, star square, rectangle
Suggestions plants, flowers, wood, books candles, lighting, animals terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile
Animal  Red Phoenix
Season rapid growth fame germination / flux
Compass Dragon (112.5 - 127.5) Wood (127.5 - 142.5) Snake (142.5 - 157.5) Yang Fire (157.5 - 172.5) Horse (172.5 - 187.5) Yin Fire (187.5 - 202.5) Sheep/Goat (202.5 - 217.5) Earth (217.5 - 232.5) Monkey (232.5 - 247.5)
Direction East Tai Ch'i West
Star star: 3 green - misunderstanding 5 yellow- misfortune 7 red - theft
Area Family Center Creativity
Element yang wood (+water, -fire) yang earth (+fire, -wood) yin metal (+earth, -fire)
Colors green yellow, beige, terra cotta white, gray, metallic
Shapes column, pillar square, rectangle circle, oval, arch
Suggestions plants, flowers, wood, books terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile silver, gold, bronze, copper, iron, electronics, precious stones
Animal Green Dragon
Season sprouting / growth center stage / fluctuation celebration / balance
Compass Yang Wood (67.5 - 82.5) Rabbit (82.5 - 97.5) Yin Wood (97.5 - 112.5) Yang Metal (247.5 - 262.5) Rooster (262.5 - 277.5) Yin Metal (277.5 - 292.5)
Direction NorthEast North NorthWest
Star 8 white - prosperity 1 white 6 white - heaven luck
Area Personal Growth Career/Life Purpose Helpful People + Travel
Element earth (+fire, -wood) yin water (+metal, -earth) yin metal (+earth, -fire)
Colors yellow, beige, terra cotta blue, black white, gray, metallic
Shapes square, rectangle free form shape circle, oval, arch
Suggestions terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile fountain, glass, bird bath silver, gold, bronze, copper, iron, electronics, precious stones
Animal Black Tortoise White Tiger
Season contemplation / flux planting / stillness prosperity / harvesting
Compass Tiger (52.5 - 67.5) Mountain (37.5 - 52.5) Ox (22.5 - 37.5) Yang Water (337.5 - 352.5) Rat (352.5 - 7.5) Yin Water (7.5 - 22.5) Dog (292.5 - 307.5) Metal (307.5 - 322.5) Boar/Pig (322.5 - 337.5)

Element Relationships

Water in Wood in Fire in Earth in Metal in
Water  :) :| use metal ok  :( use metal  :)
Wood  :) :)  :| use water  ok  :( use water
Fire :( use wood :)  :)  :| use wood  ok
Earth  ok  :( use fire  :)  :)  :| use fire
Metal  :| use earth  ok  :( use earth  :)  :)

Source for compass degrees - Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy by David Twicken

For an expert consultation, please contact Kathryn at Feng Shui Resource